"Internationalization of Universities - Promotion of Visits by International Visiting Professors": Phd Karolina Rudnicka visiting professor at the University of Regensburg

Dr. Karolina Rudnicka from the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Languages, will be a visiting professor at the University of Regensburg (Germany) at the chair of Professor Jakob Leimgruber. Her stay is part of the programme "Internationalization of Universities - Promotion of Visits by International Visiting Professors" (original title: "Internationalisierung der Hochschulen - Förderung der Gewinnung von Internationalen Gastprofessoren"), funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Arts.
One of the aims of the five-week visit (20.10-24.11) will be to develop scientific cooperation between the University of Gdansk and the University of Regensburg, which will also benefit other faculty members (including English, Polish and Slavonic scholars). During the visit, three guest lectures and student activities on corpus linguistics and language data analysis are planned.
One of the guest lectures will highlight findings from Dr. Rudnicka's National Science Centre (NCN) Miniatura grant project: ‘Non-verbal (plural) number agreement as a language-specific feature (English, German, Czech, Polish) - acceptability ratings’ (Miniatura 5 to Dr Karolina Rudnicka for linguistic research | Faculty of Philology, University of Gdańsk).  This study involved over 500 participants who are native speakers of the languages examined.
Photos: Marcel Jakubowski / UG
Digital posters: Mateusz Byczkowski / UG
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Submitted on Wednesday, 9. October 2024 - 14:35 by Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Changed on Wednesday, 9. October 2024 - 14:41 by Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka